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Arctic Fox Summit Photograph by Art Cole

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Comments (13)

Dennis Baswell

Dennis Baswell

splendid image Art.

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Magnificent capture, lighting, shading and artwork! F/L voted for this piece in the contest WINTER

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta


Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

sorry - White Animals contest

Art Cole replied:

LOL, thanks Kay :)

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Congratulations on your 2d place win in the White Birds contest! l/f

Sarah Irland

Sarah Irland

Congratulations, Art, on your Win in the White, Wild Mammals Contest for this beautiful photograph~ Well Deserved. Voted.

Art Cole replied:


Judi Dressler

Judi Dressler

Congrats on your 2nd place win in the white mammals contest! Fabulous find and capture, with beautiful details, Art! l/f

Art Cole replied:

Thanks Judi and congrats on your winning image. :)

Miroslava Jurcik

Miroslava Jurcik

Congratulations, your amazing work has been chosen for Special feature gallery in Kingdom Animalia, you can now add this work there under Special feature discussion tab !

Art Cole replied:

Thank you!

Ann Skelton

Ann Skelton

Terrific capture Art! l/f

Art Cole replied:

Thanks Ann

Karen Beasley

Karen Beasley

Fantastic image! LF

Art Cole replied:

Thank you Karen

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Art, congrats on your stunning feature in Animals. f/l

Art Cole replied:

Thanks Cindy

Tran Boelsterli

Tran Boelsterli

Amazing capture of the fox with the dark background for a perfect contrast!

Art Cole replied:

Thank you Tran

David Neace

David Neace

Congratulations, your work is featured on the homepage of "Created by Southern Artists"

Art Cole replied:


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Arctic Fox Summit by Art Cole
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