Autumn Hues

by Art Cole
Autumn Hues
Art Cole
Photograph - Photograph
A capture of an Autumn perch of a male cardinal at Huntley Meadows Wetland in Fairfax County Virginia, USA.
Image had the honor of winning third place in the contest "THE MOST AWESOME AUTUMN PHOTO" on 10/11/17 sponsored by the Fine Art America Group: Pictures Of Nature And More
This image placed first in the FAA "2019 AUTUMN COLLECTION" contest 11/3/19
This image has the honor of being featured in the Fine Art America Group:
"Art District" - 10/11/17
"Wild Birds of the World" - 10/30/19
"A Birding Group Wings" - 11/02/19
"500 Views" - 1/25/20
October 12th, 2016
Comments (13)

Maxine Billings
WOW, Art, what a beautiful capture!!! Love the pretty, vibrant autumn colors of the leaves and the beautiful cardinal!!! L/F/F

Don Columbus
Congratulations Art, your work is Featured in "A Birding Group - Wings" I invite you to place it in the group's "2019 Featured Image Archive" Discussion!! L/Tweet

William Tasker
Thank you for submitting this fine image of this identified wild bird. It is now featured on the homepage of Wild Birds Of The World - A Nature Photography Group. L/F

Marjan Van der Vegt
Congrats, your photo is one of the winning photos in the contest THE MOST AWESOME AUTUMN PHOTO and is now featured in the group PICTURES OF NATURE AND MORE. Thanks for sharing this awesome photo. Greetings Marjan

Eric Glaser
Beautiful, a female cardinal? Congrats on your sale!
Art Cole replied:
Thanks, actually it is a male cardinal taken at Huntley Meadows Wetland located in Fairfax County Virgina.