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Flash of Red Photograph by Art Cole

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Comments (34)

Jack Nevitt

Jack Nevitt

Love this hummer

Lori Frisch

Lori Frisch

Delightful capture! Beautiful!

Larry Kniskern

Larry Kniskern

Art – I wanted to let you know that your stunning image was a top-ten candidate for selection as the May 2023 "Photo of the Month" in the Go Take a Hike Photography Group. Even though not advancing as a finalist, this image is most worthy of recognition as a superb photographic effort, so congratulations and well done!

Alinna Lee

Alinna Lee

Excellent! Voted.

Larry Kniskern

Larry Kniskern

Congratulations, Art – your stunning scene has been selected as a Group Admin’s Pick from the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Hummingbirds photo contest! It has been placed in the Special Recognition thread in the group discussion board for archive.

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Wow, Art, this is awesome. Mine should return any day now. f/l

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Congratulations on your Top Finish in the contest… GREEN ANIMALS INSECTS AND BIRDS CONTEST! F/L

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding Hummingbird Flask of Red composition, lighting, shading, lovely green colors and artwork! F/L voted

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Congratulations on your winning 1st Place in the contest… Adult Hummingbird Contest - 2 Feb 2023! F/L

Debbie Blackman

Debbie Blackman

Incredible shot. You can see his attitude.

Sandra Huston

Sandra Huston

Congrats, Art, on your 1st Place Win in the Adult Hummingbirds Contest! fv

Sarah Irland

Sarah Irland

Congratulations, Art, on your 1st Place Win in the Adult Hummingbirds Contest for this wonderful photograph!

Rebecca Grzenda

Rebecca Grzenda

Congrats on your win, in the "Adult Hummingbirds" contest....beautiful image!!

Siene Browne

Siene Browne


Art Cole replied:


Bridget Voth

Bridget Voth

Congratulations on your win in the Adult Hummingbird contest! Stunning work!

Art Cole replied:


Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Congratulations on your first place win in the Adult Hummingbird contest! voted

Art Cole replied:

thanks you Kay

Digital Hue

Digital Hue

Congratulations Art on your contest win in ADULT HUMMINGBIRDS with this great capture !!! LF

Hanne Lore Koehler

Hanne Lore Koehler

Congratulations, Art, on your ADULT HUMMINGBIRDS contest win with this spectacular capture! L/F

Jurgen Lorenzen

Jurgen Lorenzen

Great portrait, Art, congratulations on your win in the ADULT HUMMINGBIRDS contest!

Art Cole replied:

Thanks! Congrats on your top finishing image,!

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Outstanding capture! Voted your work in the Adult Hummingbirds contest. l/f

Dianne Milliard

Dianne Milliard

So cool, Art! That looks like one badass little bird!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Congratulations on your 3rd Place Win in the Brightly Colored Insects and Birds contest! Very well deserved!! F/L

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Art, love this amazing shot - wonderful pose and clarity. My favorite bird. f/l

Lynn Hopwood

Lynn Hopwood

Gorgeous capture!

Judi Dressler

Judi Dressler

Congrats on your 3rd place win in the Brightly Colored Insects and Birds contest for this fabulous photo, Art; love it!

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Flash of Red by Art Cole
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