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Monarch on Yellow Photograph by Art Cole

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Comments (27)

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Wow, Art, outstanding shot - great stop action. f/l

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Congratulations on your Top Finish in the contest… INSECTS IN FLIGHT FLYING! F/L

Antonis Meintanis

Antonis Meintanis

wonderful! very beautiful!!! πŸ‘ πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Spectacular Monarch on Yellow composition, lighting, shading, excellent colors and artwork! F/L voted

Deborah A Andreas

Deborah A Andreas

Wow....I love the colors of yellows in this wonderful capture of that beautiful Monarch! L/F

William Dunigan

William Dunigan

Beautiful capture with those wings outspread, well done!

Stephen Thomas

Stephen Thomas

Gorgeous photo!

Michelle Tinger

Michelle Tinger

This is so lovely, voted

Art Cole replied:

Thank you

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

Voted for you!

Art Cole replied:


Linda Brody

Linda Brody

great capture!

Lois Bryan

Lois Bryan

Art this is just lovely!!!!! l/f

Art Cole replied:

Thanks Lois

Toni Abdnour

Toni Abdnour

This image depicts SUNSHINE perfectly! Voted in the "sunshine" contest. l/f/voted

Art Cole replied:

Thank you Toni

Hazel Holland

Hazel Holland

Wonderful, Art! You got my vote! L/F/V

Art Cole replied:


Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

Have this as a card... so lovely cannot give it away :)

Art Cole replied:

Thanks Johanna, much appreciated :)

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta


Art Cole replied:


Dean Wittle

Dean Wittle

Congratulations on today's sale!

Art Cole replied:

Thank you

Sunil Kapadia

Sunil Kapadia


Art Cole replied:


Irina Sztukowski

Irina Sztukowski

Art, great piece! Congrats!

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

Received the card... and it is so beautiful :)

Judi Dressler

Judi Dressler

Super job of capturing the butterfly in flight, Art! It's a glorious image with all that yellow, and wonderful detail! l/f

Ally White

Ally White

Wow! Outstanding capture.

Anne Ditmars

Anne Ditmars

CONGRATULATIONS Art on your 1st Place WIN in the Contest: Magnificent MONARCH Butterflies with your entry: "Monarch On Yellow"! I will be sharing your excellent image to the facebook page: Fabulous Floral Artwork and Photography! ~Anne

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Art, what an amazing capture - gorgeous. f/l

Art Cole replied:

Thanks Cindy!

Ann Skelton

Ann Skelton

Gorgeous Art! l/f

Art Cole replied:

Thank you Ann

Kristin Brown

Kristin Brown

Nice feature in Fine Art America group Photography for Fun "Color Yellow" gallery!

Art Cole replied:

Thank you!

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Monarch on Yellow by Art Cole
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