
by Art Cole
Art Cole
Photograph - Photograph
Two Red Fox litter mates interact near their den in Northern Virginia, USA. Image was captured in 2014 at Occoquan Bay Wildlife Refuge.
Image finished third place overall and first place among group members in the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Baby Animals photo contest on 3/19/21
This image has the honor of being featured in the Fine Art America Group:
"Animals Photos Only" - 4/5/18
"Animal Photographs" - 4/5/18
"Animals" - 4/15/18
"Canon Full Frame Cameras" - 4/6/18
"USA Photographers " - 7/19/18
October 14th, 2016
Comments (26)

Gary F Richards
Excellent animal composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L voted for this piece in the contest TWO ANIMALS

Morris Finkelstein
Beautiful close up photograph of a pair of adorable Red Fox kits with great colors, light, clarity and composition, Art! F/L

Loredana Gallo
Stupenda e meravigliosa scena e complimenti per la tua classificazione al concorso Baby Animals. Ciao loredana.

Larry Kniskern
Congratulations, Art – your stunning scene finished third place overall and first place among group members in the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Baby Animals photo contest! It will be placed on the group homepage as a special feature for the week, as well in the Contest Winners thread in the group discussion board for archive.