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Nuzzle Photograph by Art Cole

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Comments (26)

Lori Frisch

Lori Frisch

Sweet capture!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Excellent animal composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L voted for this piece in the contest TWO ANIMALS

Morris Finkelstein

Morris Finkelstein

Beautiful close up photograph of a pair of adorable Red Fox kits with great colors, light, clarity and composition, Art! F/L

Art Cole replied:

Thanks Morris

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

Breathtakingly cute

Art Cole replied:

Thanks Johanna

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Congratulations on your 2d place win in the Baby Animals contest!

Sheryl And Jeff Macklin

Sheryl And Jeff Macklin

Congratulations on your win!

Lynn Hopwood

Lynn Hopwood

So sweet!

Michelle Tinger

Michelle Tinger

Congrats on your 1st place win in the baby animals contest with this adorable shot

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Congratulations on your top finish in the Baby Animals contest!

Loredana Gallo

Loredana Gallo

Stupenda e meravigliosa scena e complimenti per la tua classificazione al concorso Baby Animals. Ciao loredana.

Larry Kniskern

Larry Kniskern

Congratulations, Art – your stunning scene finished third place overall and first place among group members in the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Baby Animals photo contest! It will be placed on the group homepage as a special feature for the week, as well in the Contest Winners thread in the group discussion board for archive.

Art Cole replied:

Thank you!!!

Viktor Birkus

Viktor Birkus

Amazing capture! l/f/voted

Art Cole replied:

thanks so much

Loredana Gallo

Loredana Gallo


Art Cole replied:


Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Voted your entry in the Baby Animal contest.

Art Cole replied:


Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Outstanding work! Voted your entry in the Fox contest. l/f

Jurgen Lorenzen

Jurgen Lorenzen

Great capture of these two, Art, congratulations on your top finish in the Southern Wildlife contest! Voted!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Awwwwee! Excellent capture and artwork!…Fl voted

Art Cole replied:


Heidi Fickinger

Heidi Fickinger


Art Cole replied:

Thank you!

Bonnie Follett

Bonnie Follett

Sweet capture!

Art Cole replied:


Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Art, what an adorable capture. f

Art Cole replied:


Paul Quinn

Paul Quinn

Great capture!

Art Cole replied:

Thank you

Mona Stut

Mona Stut

Wonderful fox artwork l/f

Art Cole replied:

Thank you Mona!

Ann Skelton

Ann Skelton

Awesome capture Art! l/f

Art Cole replied:

Thanks Ann

Jane Selverstone

Jane Selverstone

Great capture!

Art Cole replied:


Tammie Sisneros

Tammie Sisneros

Beautiful capture

Art Cole replied:

Thanks Tammie!

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Nuzzle by Art Cole
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