Ruby Red Perch

by Art Cole
Ruby Red Perch
Art Cole
Photograph - Photograph
A Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird perches in the morning sun at Huntley Meadows Park in Fairfax Virginia. Huntley Meadows Park has a wetland area that produces trumpet vine flowers that attract these beautiful hummingbirds. Software filters and brush tool were used on this photograph to create a painterly and artistic feel to the image.
Featured in the FAA Groups:
"Artistic Aperture" - 7/01/17
"Kingdom Animalia" - 7/02/17
"Images that Excite" - 7/02/17
"Five Star Artist" - 7/04/17
"Art District" - 7/05/17
July 1st, 2017
Comments (14)

Pamela Williams
A drum roll please!!!!!! Your artistic masterpiece has been featured in the “ART diSTricT" Group! You are welcome to archive this image in the 'Feature Archive & Thank You Thread' ~ Pamela

Johanna Hurmerinta
Congratulations! Your fantastic art is featured in the FIVE STAR ARTIST group. LF. Please archive the image in "NEW! Featured Images Archive & Thank You Thread (June 2017 Onwards)" on the group page.

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"