Snow Blazer

by Art Cole
Snow Blazer
Art Cole
Photograph - Photograph
A Moose Cow, blazes a trail through a snow field in sub zero temperatures as a light snow falls. Image was captured near Lamar Valley in the Northern section of Yellowstone National Park.
This image has the honor of being featured in the Fine Art America groups:
"Images that Excite You" - 5/06/19
"Our Four-Legged Friends" - 5/07/19
"Travel Art" - 5/11/19
"Kingdom Anamalia" - 5/11/19
"Pure Nature Photography" - 5/12/19
"USA Photographers Only" -1/10/20
May 5th, 2019
Comments (12)

Larry Kniskern
Congratulations, Art – your stunning scene has been selected as an Honorable Mention from the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Wildlife in Deep Snow photo contest! It has been placed in the Special Recognition thread in the group discussion board for archive.

Tatiana Travelways
Congratulations - Your beautiful artwork has been featured in the "Travel Art" group! For further promotion, you can post it to the specific Travel Destinations galleries, our Facebook group and our Pinterest board - all the links are provided on our group's homepage: https://fineartamerica.com/groups/1-travel-art.html * You are also invited to post it to our group's blog: travelartpix.com for worldwide exposure!

Dawn Currie
Art, Congratulations on your feature in our group, Pure Nature Photography - celebrating the best of our natural world! You are invited to archive it in the 2019 Pure Nature Photography Featured Work Archive discussion thread for longer lasting visibility.