Snow Gallop

by Art Cole
Snow Gallop
Art Cole
Photograph - Photograph
Andalusian horses running in the snow at Tamarack Stables/Rivers Edge Farm. This farm is almost 300 acres and sits on the Rapahannock River near Fredericksburg Virginia.
This image has the honor of being featured in the Fine Art America Groups:
"All Natural Beauty Of This World"- 6/24/17
"Images That Excite You" 12/4/17
"USA Photographers" - 12/5/17
"OUR 4-LEGGED FRIENDS" - 12/17/18
This image earned a second place finish in the Fine Art America Competition "Winter Contest" on 12/16/18
This image earned a tie for third place in the Fine Art America contest: Horses in Snow contest-photography only 1/2022
December 18th, 2016
Comments (21)

Judi Dressler
Congrats on your win in the Horses In Snow contest, Art, for this fabulous action capture!

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"

Debby Pueschel
The Andalusian horses are absolutely spectacular...your photo goes to prove it! Spectacular! FLPGTw

Alexi Hoeft
Gorgeous line! Love the dapple grey.
Art Cole replied:
Thanks Alexi, they were coming up from the lower fields to see a new foal. It was a fantastic sight to see in person :)