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Sour Puss Photograph by Art Cole

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Comments (18)

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

Fantastic art work!

Diann Fisher

Diann Fisher

What an awesome capture Art! Very nicely done (lf)

John M Bailey

John M Bailey

Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"

Michelle Meenawong

Michelle Meenawong

pure cuteness Art l/f/t/p

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Art, this is soooooooooooo precious. f/l

Zebboudji Wided

Zebboudji Wided


Art Cole replied:

Thank you so much for the view and nice comment!

Art Cole

Art Cole

Thank you so much for your kind words!!

HH Photography of Florida

HH Photography of Florida

WoW! Outstanding image of this beautiful cheetah cub. Lovely presentation. l/fv

Mona Stut

Mona Stut

Wonderful artwork - Congratulations on your Feature in ~ Art District.

Art Cole replied:

Thanks Mona!

Bob Lentz

Bob Lentz

Congratulations! on this unique image’s being Featured in “The Artistic Aperture” group, and also Liked, Favorited, and Facebooked.

Art Cole replied:

Thank you Bob!!

Pamela Williams

Pamela Williams

A drum roll please!!!!!! Your artistic masterpiece has been featured in the “ART diSTricT" Group! You are welcome to archive this image in the 'Feature Archive & Thank You Thread' ~ Pamela

Art Cole replied:

Thanks Pam!!

Jilian Cramb - AMothersFineArt

Jilian Cramb - AMothersFineArt

Congratulations your work is featured on the homepage of the Pixels/FAA Group Beauty in Art! 6/10/17 - Please share your Feature in our Feature's Discussion thread! + My Favorite Image of the day! Tweeting #BIA & Posting in Facebook's "Sharing My Friend's Art" group!

Sharon McConnell

Sharon McConnell

Beautiful, and lovely processing!

Art Cole replied:

Thanks Sharon!

Steve Karol

Steve Karol


Art Cole replied:

Thanks Steve!

Malanda Warner

Malanda Warner

Fabulous, beautiful treatment and presentation! LF

Art Cole replied:

Thanks Malanda!

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Art, beautiful capture. f/l

Britta Glodde

Britta Glodde

Oh my, what a cutie. Beautifully done. L

Art Cole replied:

Thank you Britta!

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Sour Puss by Art Cole
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