Strong Song

by Art Cole
Strong Song
Art Cole
Photograph - Photograph
A Prothonotary Warbler belts out a song as it is perched in the April morning sun at Huntley Meadows Park wetland area. The park is located in Fairfax Virginia.
This image earned First Place in the Orange Yellow Or Red Bird Photography contest put on by the "Go Take A Hike" group on 6/05/20!
This image also has the honor of being featured in the Fine Art America groups:
"A Birding Group - Wings" - 4/27/18
"Wild Birds Of The World" 4/30/18
"FAA Portraits - Birds" - 5/1/18
"Birds In Focus" - 5/2/18
"Photography And Nature 101" - 5/14/18
This image earned a third place tie in the Fine Art America contest sponsored by the "Wild Birds of the World" photo group on 1/16/19
April 27th, 2018
Comments (20)

Gary Wing
Congratulations Art on your first place in the Orange, Yellow, Red bird contest, very well deserved. Love that image!

Larry Kniskern
Congratulations, Art – your stunning scene finished FIRST PLACE in the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Orange, Yellow and Red Birds photo contest! It will be placed on the group homepage as a special feature for the week, as well in the Contest Winners thread in the group discussion board for archive.

Morris Finkelstein
Beautiful portrait photograph of a Prothonotary Warbler, Art! Congratulations on your First Place in the Orange Yellow Or Red Bird Photography contest! F/L
Art Cole replied:
Thanks, this guy came out and landed close in nice light. Sometimes they can come to you with a little bit of luck

Jurgen Lorenzen
Beautiful Prothonotary portrait, Art, congratulations on your win in the ORANGE YELLOW OR RED BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY contest!

William Tasker
Congratulations, Art, for coming in third place in the "Singing Wild Birds" contest sponsored by the Wild Birds Of The World group. The image captured the joy I was hoping for with the images!

Don Columbus
Congratulations Art, your work is Featured in "Birds In Focus" I invite you to place it in the group's "2018 Featured Image Archive" Discussion!! L/Tweet

William Tasker
Fabulous light and capture! Love the song aspect! Your beautiful and identified bird image has been featured by Wild Birds Of The World, a nature photography group. L/F