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Wetland Caress  Photograph by Art Cole

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Comments (28)

Sherilyn Harper

Sherilyn Harper

Beautiful reflection of a hooded merganser in flight Art

Allison Griffin

Allison Griffin

Awesome reflective photo, Art. Voted

Pat Goltz

Pat Goltz

Wow! Fantastic clear mirror image! Captured at just the right split second, frozen in time.

Morris Finkelstein

Morris Finkelstein

Stunning action photograph of a Hooded Merganser in flight with great timing, pose, light and reflections, and composition, Art! Congratulations on your Third Place finish in the Bird In Flight contest! F/L

Jurgen Lorenzen

Jurgen Lorenzen

Art, congratulations on your win in the BIRD IN FLIGHT contest, you had my vote!



Congrats on your third place win in the contest Birds in Flight with this amazing capture! Favorited

Jenny Revitz Soper

Jenny Revitz Soper

Congratulations on your contest win!

Greta Foose

Greta Foose

Congratulations on your third place contest win, you had my vote.

Brian Baker

Brian Baker

Superb capture! Congratulations on your well deserved win in the Bird In Flight contest! l/f

Judi Dressler

Judi Dressler

Congrats, Art, on your 3rd place win in the Birds in Flight contest for this beautiful capture with reflection! Love how his wingtips just touch the water surface!

Rod Best

Rod Best

What a great capture Art! Love that you caught the reflection too! Voted for in Birds in Flight contest! F/L

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Spectacular Wetland Caress composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L voted

Larry Kniskern

Larry Kniskern

Art – I wanted to let you know that your stunning image was a top-fifteen candidate from 53 initial considerations for selection as the February 2024 "Photo of the Month" in the Go Take a Hike Photography Group. Even though not advancing as a finalist, this image is most worthy of recognition as a superb photographic effort, so congratulations and well done! Please feel free to add this gem to the “Candidates for Photo of the Month” discussion thread in the group.

Leslie Reagan

Leslie Reagan

Congratulations for your 2nd place win n the Show Me Reflections contest - such an incredible beautiful capture and reflection :)

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Congratulations on your 2d place win in the Show Me Reflections contest! voted

Greta Foose

Greta Foose

Congratulations on your third place contest win, you had my vote.

Mioara Andritoiu

Mioara Andritoiu

Wonderful capture! Congratulation on your win in the SHOW ME REFLECTIONS CONTEST! LF

Angela Davies

Angela Davies

Wow superb capture! LF

Jurgen Lorenzen

Jurgen Lorenzen

An awesome flight portrait, Art, congratulations on your win in the SHOW ME REFLECTIONS contest, you had my vote!

Douglas Taylor

Douglas Taylor

A most magnificent and stunning photograph, Art! Just superbly beautiful art. Fav'd and voted in the "Reflections" contest.

Marine B Rosemary

Marine B Rosemary

Fabulous, L/F, voted

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Extraordinary! Voted for your beautiful entry in the Submit Your Best Work contest, l/f

Allison Griffin

Allison Griffin

Lovely photograph and beautiful clarity in the reflection, Art! Voted

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Wow, Art, this is one awesome shot - amazing mirror image. f/l

Brian Baker

Brian Baker

Splendid capture!

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Wetland Caress  by Art Cole
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