Whats Up

by Art Cole
Whats Up
Art Cole
Photograph - Photograph
A small green tree frog has climbed up on to a reed in a wetland environment located in Huntley Meadows Park. The park is in the Alexandria section of Fairfax County Virginia and is fed by a creek that flows into the Potomac River.
Selected as a Group Admin’s Pick from the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Green Things in Nature photo contest on 9/17/20
This image has the honor of being featured in the Fine Art America groups:
"Images That Excite You" - 9/27/18
"FAA Portrait Gallery" - 9/28/18
"Animal Mania" - 9/30/18
"Macro Photography Only" - 10/2/18
"Just Perfect" - 10/3/18
"Wildlife One A Day" - 10/6/18
"Kingdom Animalia" - 11/8/18
September 27th, 2018
Comments (15)

Lois Bryan
Art congratulations on your second place win in the Amphibians contest!!! What a cutie this little guy is!!! f

Morris Finkelstein
Stunning photograph, Art! Congratulations on your Second Place in the Amphibians contest! F/L/Voted

Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Art, on your Win in the Amphibians Contest for this wonderful photograph! Well deserved. Voted.

Maria Faria Rodrigues
Congratulations, on 3rd Place Win, in YOUR FAVOURITE GREEN NATURE PHOTOGRAPH, contest! v/f

Michaela Perryman
Congratulations, Third Place - Your Favourite Green Image - A Gorgeous Green Group, May 2022

Larry Kniskern
Congratulations, Art – your stunning scene has been selected as a Group Admin’s Pick from the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Green Things in Nature photo contest! It has been placed in the Special Recognitions thread in the group discussion board for archive.

Miroslava Jurcik
Congratulations , your beautiful work has been featured in Kingdom Animalia ! l/f/p