Winter Gaze

by Art Cole
Winter Gaze
Art Cole
Photograph - Photograph
A Bighorn Ram gazes across the snowy winter landscape of North Yellowstone in Yellowstone National Park. This image was captured in sub zero temperatures on a rocky hillside near the entrance to the Lamar Valley region of the park. Photo was converted to black and white in software.
This image has the honor of being featured in the FAA groups:
"Created by Southern Artists" - 10/26/19
"Animal Photographs" - 10/27/19
"Go Take a Hike" 10/27/19
"Art Forever With You" - 11/01/19
"Our Four Legged Friends" - 11/01/19
October 26th, 2019
Comments (15)

Larry Kniskern
Art – I wanted to let you know that your stunning image was a top thirty-five candidate from 86 initial considerations for selection as the December 2024 "Photo of the Month" in the Go Take a Hike Photography Group. Even though not advancing as a finalist, this image is most worthy of recognition as a superb photographic effort, so congratulations and well done! Please feel free to add this gem to the “Candidates for Photo of the Month” discussion thread in the group.

Richard Bryce and Family
So beautiful, Art! Congrats on the group admin pick in the Wildlife in Black and White contest!

Kay Brewer
Congratulations on your Group Admin Pick in the Wildlife in Black and White contest, Go Take a Hike group!

Larry Kniskern
Congratulations, Art – your stunning scene has been selected as a Group Admin’s Pick from the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Wildlife in Black and White photo contest! It has been placed in the Special Recognition thread in the group discussion board for archive.

Kay Brewer
I voted for your outstanding entry in the Wildlife - Mammals - in Black and White contest! l/f

Jan Mulherin
Congratulations!! This stunning image has been selected to be featured for the week in the “Art for Ever with You” Group Home Page. You are welcome to add a preview of this featured image to the group’s discussion post titled “2019 November: Stunning Group Featured Images and Thank-you’s” for a permanent display within the group, to share this achievement with others. Also feel free to post your feature on our group Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/296998814248643/ Thank you for your participation in the group! ~Jan (November 1, 2019)